Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hi there

OK, so this is me basically pledging my regular support of this site by enacting a posting guarantee. I'm sure that you realize that this is more for me than for you. So, beginning here, I will post an entry at least five times per week. At least three of them will be good, so no more than two will be weak-ass posts like this one, which counts toward next week's quota. Clear? Good. This is the last you'll hear of it.

I'm getting Jill's sister and her family a board game for Christmas, but I haven't yet figured out which one. They like Ticket to Ride - Europe, Ra, Blokus, and Lost Cities, and Gwen has played Power Grid and Puerto Rico and liked them, too. I'd like to get them something that their kids can eventually play with them (they're 11 and 6, I think). Suggestions?


  1. Not a ton of info to go on there, but a few thoughts:

    -> I mentioned this set recently, but Mü & More is the best deal going right now. If they're at all interested in card games, there's a ton of value in there, between the awesome Mü, the very nearly as awesome Was Sticht?, the excellent Safari, the flawed but very fun Njet and some other games. As I say, they sort of have to enjoy card games (having played some Spades, Hearts or other traditional game helps), but it rules.

    -> What about going for a classic like Acquire? Seems like it would be reasonable to teach fairly young, and it's a game with a lot of legs. I'll caveat by saying I haven't seen the latest edition, so I don't really know how good the production is this time around.

    -> Among more recent games, I haven't gotten tired of Yspahan, which is a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy rolling dice. For a family, it also has the advantage of being quick, which can be an advantage, while also being plenty fun enough to play a couple of times in a sitting.

    -> If they like Blokus, the obvious followup is Ingenious. Multi-player abstracts are somewhat rare, fun ones even more so.

    -> What about Medici? Among Knizia's auction games, I usually rank them Ra, Modern Art and then Medici, but Modern Art is so unforgiving of mistakes that for a family, I'd go to Medici if they like Ra.

  2. Wow, ambitious targets!
    Ticket to Ride would probably be good for kids - it says it's for ages 8 and up and they'll be learning some geography too.

  3. Their oldest is already a tough Ticket to Ride player. I think that I'm going to pick up the Mu and More set for myself and play some with Jill.

    Acquire has the problem that Jill has decided that it's not a good game (boring), so she would nix any attempt on my part to make that happen. Personally, I think that it's a great game.

    I haven't played Yspahan (or Medici), but I've heard good things. You'll have to break it out soon, even though dice know me as their enemy. I think that Ingenious may be a winner, though. Or Thurn and Taxis? Or Pirate's Cove? Or Zooloretto?

  4. Just a caution: there's not a lot of play for two players in Mu & More. Mu itself works with 3-5, Was Sticht? is 3 or 4, Safari is 3-6 and Njet! is 4 (off the top of my head, could be wrong).

    I considered Thurn & Taxis, but honestly, I think it's only OK. TransAmerica has the advantage of being quick and easy to learn, but if they're already playing Ticket to Ride, they may regard it as redundant. Zooloretto isn't a bad choice either - I've only played it once, so I don't know about long term thoughts on it, but it certainly has an attractive theme for the kids. Pirate's Cove? Eh, I'm not a big fan. Corsairs (not Corsari), now, there's a game for you.

  5. I've enjoyed my plays of T&T, but I probably wouldn't get it for myself, so I see your point. Definitely don't think Transamerica would go over well, since they don't like that much luck. Haven't played Pirate's Cove, Zooloretto, or Corsairs. Since Corsairs is more of a filler, I'm thinking Zooloretto. Or maybe I'll just send them a copy of Power Grid.

  6. I think you should get them Busen Memo and Big Balls.

    Just sayin'

  7. Maybe after I get my copies back from your mom.

    Just sayin'.

  8. If you're trying to avoid game with luck, stay far away from Pirate's Cove - there's far more there than in Transamerica.


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