Friday, September 21, 2007

Out of Town

So, about the accelerated rate of posting promised recently...

I've been plugging almost all free time into doing revisions to my dissertation. At this point, I have one more chapter, and then it's just formatting, table of contents, etc. It's taken a lot longer than I expected, but I think that it's certainly a much better document than before.

At my oral defense, I was told to think of my dissertation as a resource for the next person in the lab to work on my project. So all of the "misfit data" that didn't marry neatly into a storyline needed to be included in an appendix. And all of my Materials and Methods sections needed quite a bit more specificity as to the source of reagents, times of treatments, and other minor, but crucial, steps in experiments.

I was less stunned by the amount of suggested improvement to my sentence structure. This is because I provided my boss with first drafts about a week before it was due. I think many PhD students go through multiple revisions before the committee sees it.

Anyways, that's why I've been so inconstant.

We're going out of town this weekend: tonight we're going to Marine City, which is HERE

So I don't know what's up with these cartographers who think Canada got overrun by the melting ice caps, but Marine City is right at the border, on the St Clair River. Jill thinks these maps are hilarious.

Tomorrow, we'll be treated to the dazzling feast of sights along the storied Ohio Turnpike as we make our way to Gwen and Clint's. We're picking up a car there, so we're back to being a two-car family.

*Jim and Sonja, the land yacht served us well, and my brother managed to sell it for $1000 for me to a little old lady who declared, "Sold!" after her test drive. It will be missed. I hope she likes her Achewood sticker.

Big plans for next week, including revamping the links of the month (ahem) and other cosmetic nonsense. Oh, and game night at my place, Monday!

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