I love the look of the label on the bottle. It makes one think that good times are right around the corner. And they are! Just uncork one of these babies and have the chilled glasses at the ready.
The pour is golden and foamy, with crazy yeast all over the place. It has a bit of a light, sour smell mixed in with the light yeast and hops nose, which reminds me of those first beers I drank in secret as a teenager. But, unlike those, this beer has a nice, clean flavor. The bitterness of the hops is the first thing you notice, on top of the bready yeast and light malt sweetness. These distinct flavors are floating on this rich carbonation that mellows the whole concoction out. The finish is hop-bitter that quickly fades to homeopathic levels, inviting another sip. At 6.5% ABV, you can afford to sip awhile.
This beer has joined the Pantheon of Great Beers.
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