Friday, April 25, 2008

Do you think I could be a nerd, too?

Always one to be late to the party (I only just started wearing dark, skinny jeans (drainpipes to you Scots) and uber-tight white t-shirts while sipping my Yerba Mate with Joanna Newsom twittering on in the background), I've decided that it is time for me to delve into the world of role-playing games. What, you ask, has led me to this most base state of existence? Have I no friends? Did some crisis strike my life that has led to a regression from reality, necessitating play-acting with dice? To the first question, I suggest that taking on such an endeavor actually implies a base of supportive and like-minded friends. To the second, I point to the benefits, upon advancing in age, of mental exercise that is intended to keep the imagination sharp.

I played a little D&D in my first, less successful phase of attending college. In one session, I used a character that someone had been using previously. In another, I did a bit of homework and attempted to DM the session. Both of these sessions were with rather inexperienced players, so I never really got a sense of what role-playing is all about.

Last year, Mustafa (and Kathy) put in a great deal of work to prepare background materials for a Call of Chthulu stand-alone scenario. Jonathan, Theresa, and I were the players in this case, taking on what turned out to be a pretty creepy vampire in a very well-run game. Again, I don't think that any of us (except Mustafa) had had much experience in actually role-playing. If we had all had more time on our hands, we could have probably made up a regular group and honed our characters and role-playing skills.

My experiences playing Arkham Horror and fantasy boardgames like Prophecy have, more recently, whet my appetite for some RPG goodness. This has reached the point where I am seriously hunting down a few books that I owned back in fifth grade--namely, the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide. You know, for bedside reading. Some of our new (and old) friends here in the Emerald City are (or were) regular RPGers, and I'm hopeful that I can either squeeze into a slot on one of their game nights or start my own up.

The number of quality RPG worlds out there is actually pretty high. D&D is a classic, and is more than sufficient for that genre. But Deadlands (the Weird West) is also intriguing. The world of Lovecraft, of superheroes, etc., all beckon, but not in a Peter Pan way. It's more of a "get together and tell a good story" kind of situation that I'm seeking.

As I don my wizard hat, I hope that you'll wish me well, and not judge me too harshly...


  1. I have many things to contribute here!

    Firstly, your prognosis is accurate — my historical RPG experience very much mirrors your own. Played once with an inexperienced crew, then DM'd twice with two unexperienced crews. Then there was the time TK had me "DM" a session of the card-based RPG that her Dad published. Again I was the blind leading the blind, and again it didn't go terribly well.

    Secondly, I have said books you seek, but they're second edition, so you can have them when you pry them from my cold, dead hands (too soon? too soon?) and you probably don't want them anyway (since they're currently drafting 4th ed.)

    Thirdly, when 3rd ed. came out they ran this great ad campaign, which sort of mirrors your "To the first question..." assertion.

    Fourthly, good lord, look how much I wrote. I should start my own blog I guess. Then we could form our own renegade blogocube or something.

  2. I think that we should have spent a little more time trying to stop that faucet from dripping. Oh, what infernal dripping, presaging our imminent demise! Needs we must stoppeth the dripping!

    I turn the handle...harder!



  3. Did you know that we're playing Deadlands? Or was that a random convergence? Have you seen my Myskatonic U sweatshirt?

    Uh, yeah, so, you should come by some time when J is home and peruse the role playing game cupboard. We have at least one super hero game, and at least one spy game, too.

  4. Yeah, I had talked to Heidi about your Deadlands group at the zoo the other day.

    Yes! Find out where the stash of rulebooks is kept, and I'd love to cherry pick some reading material. Thanks!


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