Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Congratulations to the German Equestrian Team

Mmmm. I'm enjoying a tasty beer right about now. This here beer has a few things going for it. First, it's a nice, sweet Belgian ale. Also, it comes in six-packs, instead of a 750 ml bottle with a cork. Penultimately, it is spicy, with creamy bubbles, and has a sane alcohol content of 6.6%. And finally, it wasn't insanely expensive. It's called Leffe, and it's a Genuine Abbey Ale. Here's the flavor text:

Savor the Mystery of the Ages--Award-winning Leffe Blonde is a full-bodied deep golden ale that is surprisingly subtle and delicate. Belgium's classic abbey ale is best served in its own chalice-shaped glass, accentuating the ale's aroma and creating the perfect head.

Chalices and perfect head aside, I would agree with most of the rest. I didn't find it particularly subtle or delicate. It's what I would classify as a great gateway to the Belgian beer style, much like Duvel or Chimay Red, only slightly more watered down (Ohhh!! That must be the subtle and/or delicate part).

How 'bout that Russia - Georgia conflict? First, Eighties music comes back. Next, we (ok, they)restart the Cold War. What's next, breakdancing on cardboard? Parachute pants? Polo by Ralph Lauren seeping out from the heavy threads of an Izod that is tucked into Dockers shorts and secured by a leather weave belt, accessorized with jet black wayfarers and boat shoes at a dance club???

I was watching the Olympics yesterday. My whole life, I've found myself too busy or too disinterested to watch much Olympics, but now I find the competition to be entertaining. Even more interesting, I find that my attitudes toward other countries has changed. I used to only pull for the English-speaking countries -- USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada -- but yesterday I was watching the Aussies go for their 3rd or 4th straight team equestrian Gold, and I said to myself, "You know what? Screw Australia. I HOPE the Germans win." Maybe it's because I became friends with a few Germans while living in Ann Arbor, or maybe I crossed a point where I can admire superior preparation and execution, no matter where it originated, but it felt good. Today, I watched the Chinese just destroy the USA in synchronized diving (wtf?), and I honestly enjoyed the beauty of the much, much better Chinese divers. Don't get me wrong, I am clinging to the joy and heartache offered, respectively, by the US men's swimming and women's gymnastics squads, but I also appreciate the achievements and disappointments of the other nations involved.

I'm going to update my sidebars soon, so keep a lookout for new stuff (finally) there. Talk soon, 'kay?

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