Friday, February 15, 2008

Gussying up the place

Hi all. Marc here.

I just wanted to point out the enhanced functionality of the blog environment over here at Enough of this endless hedging(...).

On your left, you'll find a list of tags that will give you Instant Access to any post that is so tagged. In a hurry to find that boardgame review for a school paper? Just click on boardgames. Wondering why there's a tag for Crows? Click on crows! It's just that simple. (I'll save you some time...the crows link is for any post that mentions crows, even in passing.)

Then, there's a list of boardgames that I have never played, but by which I am intrigued. Most of them are quite long, hence the subtitle. If I ever get to play any of them...well, I'm sure you'll hear all about it. They're all linked to the 'Geek, so you can go drool over them, too.

Further down the page, you'll see a list of songs. I'll try to keep this list current. These are my current favorites on the local station. There can be only nine, for obviously arbitrary reasons, so I'll have to kick one out to put a new one in. The newest ones will always occupy the top slots in the list.

Speaking of music, I added an illuminating link in the comments section of my last album review.

Keep your eyes peeled for the special 100th post.


  1. The most recent Ann Arbor Observer ran an article about the crows that annually plague your old 'hood — complete with some so-called science jibba'-jabba'. Unfortunately, those Stalinists refuse to post articles and Op/Eds on the InterTubes, so you'll just have to imagine what it said. Something about swarming babies. Good thing you got out when you did!

  2. Yes. A plague of crows swarming babies and crapping everywhere is nearly the exact opposite of Gussying Up the Place. Too bad you can't target them, like Crocodile Dundee and the bats, to certain peoples' homes.

  3. way out west - used to have it, not that good. blows actually.

    magic realm - great, great game. used to have it in college. a word of warning though - it could easily make your head explode.

    the rest i haven't played.

  4. Really? I thought that you had told me about an Old West game that was really good. Guess it wasn't that one! Maybe it was a hex/counter or RPG?


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