Monday, February 25, 2008

Chit and Chat

We had a fantastic time on Saturday playing Puerto Rico with Jim, Sonja, and their housemate, Vic. I posted a hopelessly long session report on describing the experience, and I'm just going to post the link here instead of the whole article.

Man, we've been having a nice run of good weather here. I haven't seen any rain in over a week, and it's been sunny and in the 50s for much of the time. I've been warned that Seattle has a number of false springs, which is probably what we're experiencing now. I'm not complaining.

Elaine is cutting her first tooth, so she's been a little cranky, but mostly she's been good-natured about it, like most things. Her little personality is really starting to emerge--she's a lot of fun. She's also getting to be more mobile, so we're trying to baby-proof the house now. More pics and videos to come.

I still haven't found that signature regional beer. Most of what I've found that is remotely tasty appears to come from Oregon. I liked the Hale's Winter beer, but that's seasonal, so it doesn't count. There is one very nice local beer called Mac 'n Jack's Amber Ale, but you can only get it in kegs at this point. Once that becomes more widely available, I think that I'll have located my Washington Oberon. Ah, well, there's homebrew carbonating downstairs that'll be ready in three weeks or so. Mmmmm....

Some images from Saturday:

The view from Edinburgh

The view from Seattle


  1. And I thought I was captaining all the time! We had no idea you were keeping a log.
    You forgot to mention one game-turning moment when Jim blocked the shipping with an eight-space coffee ship. Nasty move.
    Anyway, great fun. Power Grid Central Europe next?

  2. I don't have that about one of the basic maps?

    The nice thing about Power Grid is that we won't have to keep track of each others' money, since it's supposed to be hidden.

    Great fun, indeed.

    Hey, Ann Arborites, we can do this with you, as well!


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