Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Slow Decline Into Gray

In case you haven't guessed, the great 2007 Pack-a-thon is in full swing. I have been performing triage on various aspects of our household goods, and creating nearly as many donation boxes as keeper boxes. We're doing a "load it your own damn self" deal, where they drop off a semi trailer (that's a lorry trailer to the UK contingent) and we have a few days to pack it. Today, my family came over to help load most of the heavy stuff (books, furniture). Tonight, we'll try to get most of the rest of the house into boxes so that tomorrow we can just mindlessly lug things out to the truck.

Did I mention the blizzard? Well, there's not one yet; it's merely snowing. But the National Weather Service warns of "blizzard-like conditions" in the morning, following an evening of approximately 5 inches of snowfall. That should keep us cool as we work.

I had thought that we would be slipping out of Michigan prior to the crappy winter, since it usually starts getting really sucky around Christmastime, but now I'm convinced that Michigan Winter actively dislikes me and my plan, and did resolve to be as sucky as possible starting on Thanksgiving day and continuing until we leave the state.

OK, back to work with me. May you all have a safe and happy holiday, and I'll see you on the other side.


  1. Wow - fast work! You'll need the festive at the end of day.
    Good luck with the move - when are you driving across, or are you flying? How are Zoe and Arya travelling? Did you manage to sell the fish and the aquaria?

  2. PS Our first beer, a brown ale, has just come on stream and luckily it turned out well, even though someone (not the brewmaster) didn't put enough malt in as bottling sugar because she still thought in corn sugar, which isn't really sold here.

  3. Luckily, a somewhat still brown is not a bad brown. So, no corn sugar and no One-step. Remind me why you moved to that god-forsaken country in the first place...:-)

    We loaded up a truck with our belongings yesterday, and it was picked up around 3pm. I had stayed up for two nights, organizing, packing and loading (5 hours of sleep between 5:30am Saturday and 4pm Monday). Now the house is cluttered with all of our recyclables, donatables, and trashables. So we're staying one extra day to resolve the mess and clean the house. Then it's "everyone into the Taurus!" for a cross-country sightseeing tour.

    Illinois! Wisconsin! Minnesota! South Dakota! Wyoming! Montana! Idaho! Washington! The sights never end.

    Jill did sell the fish and equipment, thankfully.

  4. I've just looked at Google Maps, which seems to suggest a different route - North Dakota and Montana, cutting out the Potato State. 2302 miles - wow. They say 1 day 9 hours, but they haven't reckoned on a baby and 2 cats... Good luck! Hope the weather will be good for you.
    One nice stop on the way: The Boiling River in Yellowstone National Park, just at the north end of the park, before Mammoth Hot Springs. You can soak in the River there, even at this time of year - fab.
    So you'll be camping out in your new place over Christmas? Lots of unwrapping to do. Do send us your new address.
    As to the homebrewing differences, we have managed to source a One-step-like substance and have bought 2kg of it. No ready-to-go liquid yeast cultures though. Have to start from scratch.
    Have a safe journey in the Taurus!


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