Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oh, poor me

Just saw this quote in my Quote Generator module (how recursive!): "Part of every misery is, so to speak, the misery`s shadow or reflection: the fact that you don`t merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer." --C.S. Lewis

My personal suffering is assuredly orders of magnitude less than whatever existential malaise that Lewis was trying to describe, but I've had this [string of expletives] poison ivy reaction on the top of my foot for over a month. Just as it starts to heal, it seems to take off again. My favorite pair of sandals, which I wore every day of the summer, became infected with the stuff somehow. Then, about two weeks ago, I changed my bike's rear inner tube, and developed the same rash across the first knuckles of both hands. I managed to prevent the advancement to from bumpy rash to weeping pustules on my fingers, but the knuckles are all cracked and raw now. That rash has spread to my hands and up one arm to the elbow.

I hate poison ivy. This came from the ivy patch in our front yard, where the poison stuff is mixed in, despite the claims to the contrary from my landlord.

Have a great day :-)


  1. Ah, that makes me feel better. I've been feeling like I was in Catch-22 all afternoon: I was told by the bank that I needed certain documents to set our business account - documents you can only get after you start trading - but we can't start trading until we have the business account. Aargh! After that, I phoned an organization that's supposed to help start-up businesses, only to be told I had to write my own business plan and couldn't just make an appointment to go through my draft with one of their advisers. Oh no, I had to go and fill in a special online questionnaire (which crashed on me halfway through) with questions such as 'Do you have a business idea?' and only at the end of that could I ask for an appointment.

  2. I'm glad that my horrible rash has brightened your day.


    The worst part of this, I think is that every time Elaine grabs my hand or wrist, I kind of cringe. Plus, babies don't rest their hand gently on your hand; they automatically make a fist, leading with the nails. I'm so scared that she's going to have a reaction.

    Anyway, sorry about your bad day. Sounds like the perfect excuse to curl up and read beside the coal fire with a stiff drink.


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