Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Linkin Marc

Jill has a week of service, which leaves me home with the Slobber Monster all day. Yesterday it was tough to get anything done (like lunch) when I couldn't put her down for more than a few minutes. Hopefully, she'll feel like snoozing for a while today.

I've got a couple of new links here. First, an interesting interactive video of the title track from the Arcade Fire's Neon Bible. Not the best track on the album, for sure, but it works well for what they're trying to pull off with the video. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this sort of thing -- perhaps styled like one of those decision tree books. You know, where it says "If you go into the cave, go to page 183. If you continue to the beach, go to page 190."

The other one is an impressive collection of over 800 albums freely available for download. I don't think I need say more.

One final thing:

You know, they're right. No education is complete until the student is warned to avoid these sanctimonious gasbags for all they're worth.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I guess my education is incomplete... who are those people? Are they MAFIAA execs? Or Faux News pundits? The one kind of looks like Ann Coulter...

  3. Sanctimonious gasbags. Yep, that covers it. Judicious use of a water cannon, Taser and possibly a length of rubber hose would be just the thing to complete their education.

  4. Yes, up their nose with a rubber hose. That IS what you meant, right?

    Yes, Jonathan. The hooker on the left is Ms. Coulter. The rest of them are the voices of the neo-con journalist pool. This poster is being distributed by college Republicans.


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