Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grab bag

Life and hobby updates:
-I'm finally recovering from The Cold of 2009.
-I discovered a new precious beer that is delicious and wonderful. I forget the name. Duchess Borgnone or some such. Tartness at first that quickly warms to an almost cider-like sweetness, thanks to those crazy Belgian yeast.
-The Kathy and Mustafa visit was a whole big load of fun. We had a game day at Josh and Megan's place, complete with waffles and mimosas. Double Awesome.
-Played Imperial at said game day. Double Awesome. It is a non-intuitive economic game with a military component. I lived, I died, I had very vocal moments of despair and tragedy, I lived again, I had fun. Mustafa won on his last turn of the game. That never happens!
-Elaine played at Madeleine's house today. I picked her up, and noticed that she was picking at her shoe in her car seat. I reached back and grabbed her shoe, "ROWRRRR!!!", and my thumb sank into a fresh clump of dog poo. Not Awesome.
-It's cold as the wastes of Heck here. Arctic winds are a-blowing through our little convergence zone. It's supposed to die out soon, and 50 degree weather will return. I'm thinking that I might be able to get out for a run this week. Finally!
-I'm kinda bummed that we don't have anyone on the immediate schedule for visitation and hanging out. I guess we have June to look forward to, possibly.

And now, back to my yummy beer.


  1. i've been fantasizing about living on the west coast since we left. seriously, why didn't i ever think of it? like, duh?

  2. I, for one, think that it would be a great idea. It's settled, then. Seattle welcomes you!


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