Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it ten fingers, or eight and two thumbs?

Here I sit in the O.R. waiting room with a bunch of other worried people. Jill went on a clear liquid diet beginning yesterday morning, and did a bowel prep last night. This is not a glamorous sequence of events. She was told that she would be the first surgery of the day today. However, while this was technically correct, it turns out that her surgeon had a previous engagement at a different hospital. This engagement turned into an emergency, which pushed back Jill's operation. And so and thus it was that Jill was finally wheeled back for preoperative preparations at 2 PM today. Jill, needless to say, was pretty freaking hungry at this point. We've been here since 9:30 AM.

There's not really a point to this post. I'm just really bored, and want to complain about something. Now, here's a picture of Jill with a pink, fuzzy hat on her head. Please enjoy.

UPDATE: 20 minutes after posting this, the nurse called the waiting room and told me that Jill had just begun her surgery, and that I could expect to wait 2-4 hours before hearing anything else. She was initially taken back about 1.5 hours ago. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

UPDATE: Aaaaand, she's done. Not bad--it took them 3 hours to finish up. She had no evidence of gross disease, and they were able to resect her colon at the previous site of repair. All in all, the best case scenario. I am tired and hungry, but also delighted. She's waking up now, and I'll get to see her in an hour...

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