Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life of Late

Wow, I haven't posted for a whole week! That's gotta be some kind of record.

It's dark at 5:30PM, now. That feels weird. It's been rather balmy lately, but I believe that's going to change soon. The legendary November rains should be kicking in any time now.

It's been interesting starting a new project in the lab. I'm enjoying it, so far. My lab mates are an interesting bunch, and the lab dynamic is very different than in my last lab. Everyone here is in his own orbit around the basic theme of the lab, with very little overlap or crossed paths. As a result, the environment is collegial, but not as collaborative. I'm not saying that cross-pollination of projects cannot occur, but the healthy space between projects is definitely by design, and fosters a DIY attitude. I'm pretty happy about my early experiences, since I had some apprehension about going back into the lab. We all went out for beers last Friday, and it turns out that you can order German beer by the liter quite close to where I work. Interesting...

In other news, some stuff happened, I drank some beer (nothing new), played some games (new titles: Terakh and Wealth of Nations), got out for a few runs, and read a whole bunch of science. I got sciences coming out the ying yang, y'all!


  1. Good luck with getting back into the lab rhythm. You were not "gone" for too long, so it should not be too much of a problem (and apparently is not).

  2. Soft southerners!
    The sun went down at 1600 here today, after hanging about for a mere 8 hours. We're heading for 7 hours between sunrise and sunset come the solstice.
    Whisky consumption rising with the cube of daylength decrease.

  3. Wow. Just noticed that the shortest day of the year in Seattle is longer than today was in Edinburgh.

  4. Ok, but for the other 60% of my readership, it's quite the gasp-inducing news item. You guys should get some of those special lamps.


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