Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More on KKJJ wedding festivities

Too much content for just one post!

First, Jill's cousins Eric and Jon are really fun people, and it's always great to hang out with Jill's sister, Gwen, and her family. Gwen and Clint share our love of games, so we always bring something along. This time, I brought Citadels and Gwen brought For Sale. We got in a quick round of For Sale on Friday (I think Gwen won).

Then, on Saturday, we agreed to get in a game of Citadels between brunch and the wedding. Jill's dad and his two siblings muscled their way into the game (OK, they wanted to spend time with us, and who can blame them?). So I ended up teaching this relatively simple game of assassins, warlords, and magicians to three non-gamers. At one point, Aunt Harriet muttered, "Couldn't we just play hearts?". But after three rounds, everyone seemed to see what was happening, at which time we had to get moving to make the wedding. Everyone politely lied about how much they liked the game. Well, Gwen and Clint were intrigued, and wanted to try again later.

After the wedding dinner, a storm of epic proportions rolled in. Jon had manned the turntables, and as the light show unfolded, he cackled and put on "Flight of the Valkyries". At this point, the breeze turned into wind, the lightning went crazy, the power went out, and all parents with babies ran pell mell for the house. The power fluxxed in and out over the next hour, but most people hung out in the relative non-safety of the tent, dancing to Jon's AM Gold selections. Clint said that they were taking off, so I made efforts to get Jill, Elaine, David and Harriet underway.

When we arrived at the cross street (Main St.) that our hotel was on, we encountered a road block. The rain was still coming down, as well as lightning. Officer Unhelpful told us that our hotel was "Ground Zero" for downed power lines and trees, and that he couldn't say any more. "I can't help you", was the reply when we said that the baby formula was at the hotel, and could he recommend a store that still had power. Clint found an alterate route back to the hotel. It turns out that the downed lines and tree were a block from the hotel, and that we were actually outside of the other road block, which presumably quarantined "Ground Zero".

So that evening found us huddled around a little table in Gwen's room, flashlights pointed at the ceiling, for a 4p game of Citadels. I was clearly the target, having played more than anyone else. However, the thief and assassin were often in the unused pile, somehow. I used the thief to steal a large pile of gold from Clint, who took Merchant for about three straight turns. I couldn't get the Architect to capitalize on this, however, so Gwen built to 8 before me, and won by 5 points.

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