First, we had another awesome Skype session with Jim and Sonja last Saturday (10 days ago). I picked away at a session report over the course of a week, in between putting out fires and working on the paper, so some of the "facts" of the game may be...not quite accurate. I did the best that I could with my addled brain and a few pictures. I also dressed our entire game group down in my report, posted over there on Boardgamegeek. Go give it a thumbs up!
Second, while our Michigan friends are busily digging their way out of another ten feet of snow, I have to do yard work over here. The lawn's getting a bit long in areas, and our camelias are fixin' to bloom...

We also have these grape vines, and I have no idea what to do with them. I'm fairly certain that they require drastic annual pruning, but I'm not finding any pictures online that look like my plants, so I'm still unsure.
Yes, the neighbors are renters, and their yard is a mess. Their landlord should consider getting on them about that...

Thirdly, I found this amusing.
That's about it, for now. Here's a parting pic of Elaine in baby jail with her new friend, Penny (showing off her two new teeth!)

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