There are times that make you stand back and reflect on what got you where you are. This was one such time. There I was, you see, digging furiously--well, furiously is rather overstating it; perhaps intently covers it somewhat better--so, intently, then, in our so-called 'chicken' cabinet, in which our occasional dishes and glassware are kept, when I discovered a certain amber bottle. This was a bottle with the number '23' scrawled upon the cap, and bearing no label. So, my immediate thought was, "Well, what is this? It has all the comportment of a homebrew, but we never got to a vaunted number like 23. 23 calls to mind the likes of Michael Jordan, or more recently, LeBron James. What's a bottle doing in my cupboard bearing the auspicious number of 23?". That's just what I thought. But then, a certain other thought occurred to me, you see. The other thought was that some other person may have left that bottle there, so as to cause a bit of commotion. I was thinking of perhaps aliens or the government at this time, them being one and the same in any case.
But then! (imagine me speaking in a hushed whisper here...oh, do humor me, will you?) Then! I spoke with Jill, who suggested that this was the bottle of Festive Ale that Jim and Sonja, may God rest and have mercy on their souls, left for us in their final loungings at our abode, and that I--not the government or aliens--secreted away to this place in the cabinet so that I wouldn't drink it, and so that it would survive until such a time when Jill was no longer pregnant! (conspiratorial whispering over)
So! Here we are. Having a nice bit of quiche and pondering the impenetrable mystery of the '23' bottle in the fridge. If anyone has any ideas that will bring this matter to a resolution, your comments would be appreciated.
Evidence of quiche

Evidence of a certain mystery bottle

I would recommend opening it, doof. To clarify, said opening should occur when I am around. Doof. This is really for your own good, to avoid any potential pay-back after I inquired what happened to (what I am fairly certain is) this same bottle nigh on 4 months ago.
ReplyDeleteI have time to read your blog once a month, and then only discover you are planning on nipping the goodies!
(Also, 'Hi' to Jim and Sonja, whom we miss terribly and to whom I also have put off for way too long e-mailing, as I keep meaning to reply to Jim's last message with the kitty pictures, but as time goes on my e-mail seems like it should be more thoughtful than, "great lookin' kitty, we miss you", which means they probably won't hear from me until after this craziness moves to Seattle and the note will fall way short of my expectations. I'm pretty sure that's all one sentance, but I'm not looking back now. Submit.).
23 is indeed Festive Ale. And it was left for Jill - but I'm sure she'll be happy to share.