I just erased a rambly paragraph that is supposed to lead into my pathetic excuse for content, which is simply a link to a YouTube video. Shorter lead-in: There's a writers' strike underway, and so there have been no new Daily Shows or Colbert Reports lately.
So here's a small treat for anyone who's been missing their dose of leftist humor...
Oh, and in personal news, there is currently a SOLD sticker on a sign in front of a house in Seattle, and this situation is directly related to our current state of pennilessness. So don't hold your breath for a Christmas present, blog nation.
Also on a personal note, I'm getting sick and damn tired of not playing any boardgames over here. All the Boardgamegeeks are at the BGG.Con in Dallas this week, and I'm just as jealous as I can be. I'm not talking about a leisurely game of Ticket to Ride Europe, either. I want the whole Saturday marathon, starting at 8am and concluding with an into-the-wee-hours long player like History of the World or Here I Stand (my current Grail). SIGH!!!
Uh, oh...she wakes. "Ayyyyy...eeeyeee...ayyyy...aiiii...".
Have a great weekend!
Following Jim's advice, I employed the Random Comic button at Achewood and came up with this classic:
Congratulations on the house-purchase! When are you moving? Great use of the random comic button.
ReplyDeleteUnknown on when we're moving. Closing still has to occur, and a few things could conceivably go wrong before now and then, but highly unlikely.
ReplyDeleteHypertext on that comic was "Goth boys pee sitting down pass it on"
I misread "here I stand". I thought it said, "beer stand", which sounds like a much awesomer game.