The land is unfarmed (at least in recent years) so it is surrounded by beautiful meadows. The wedding took place on top of a huge hill, in a shady spot among some trees. The entire wedding party had to trek along a tramped-down trail up to the wedding site, which was an adventure unto itself. (The little shed on the upper left is the sauna overlooking one of the swimming ponds.)

Jon and Kerrigan had a simple Quaker ceremony. Everyone was given bells to carry and jingle. At various points on the procession, tiny horns would sound, and the people would rattle their bells and emit yelps and yodels. Upon arrival at the site, we sat solemnly in the peaceful shade and jingled our bells. After this, silence was observed for a few moments. Finally, the ceremony proper began,with Kerrigan standing on her chair and telling Jon how she happy she was to be marrying him. Jon responded with some words of his own, followed by a memorable and joyous Happy Dance.
There was a presentation of rings (I think), and then Jon received his wedding present from Kerrigan: the customary pink trumpet. Then, anyone present (the officiants) who wished to say a few words about Jon, Kerrigan, their relationship, and their marriage-worthiness, were alloted time to say their piece. After some great reminiscences and a few emotional benedictions, the ceremony was concluded. We all toasted the couple with Ting, a Jamaican grapefruit soda, before heading back down the hill for some great Indian food.
It was all great fun. I almost wished that I had gone the Quaker route with my wedding. Thanks, J and K, for having us out. If you want to see more pics of the weekend, go here.
Elaine was a great little travel buddy, on the plane and otherwise. Jill says that we should not avoid taking trips on her account in the future. I tend to agree.
Edit: I had originally posted pics of the wedding ceremony here and on the Picasa site. The bride and groom have asked that these be removed. I had no idea that we weren't supposed to record the wedding, and Jill and I offer our sincerest apologies to Jon and Kerrigan for this intrusion.
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